Day 5

The half way point! It does feel like progress ground to a halt but I did need the break. It's easy to forget the work done so far is pretty darn cool, but it's easy to forget.

Main learnings was that timemaps and levels take more time then I expect. I decided to abandon the original one because it was too limited. Today I set up a basic forest and house interior tilemap. There's a growing list of warnings I'm not sure how to resolve, I fixed one but hopefully its not impacting much.

I've been debating if I wanted tall grass spots or just randomly spawning the swans, I think I'm going to implement a tall grass zone that spawns additional swans to give the level more life/time. Something I've noticed testing is I want more swans, more swans. Not funding anything is not fun. Tall bushes would give visible game language to "come here for something". Also while typing this out spawning more swans on catch would be fun, maybe they could rarely be stacked and scatter like slime rancher. lol.

I also learned how to make an animated sprite for water sparkles.

Tomorrow I will spend time setting up a dialog for the narrative and loading between the home and forest. I will very liked make a "find net" event and test out the dialogs system with variables. I'd also like to set up the tall grass / spawner system for critters if there's time, as it would prove out if it would be more fun to have more critters.

Time spent: 4 hours

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